Sunday, December 20, 2009

gud bye dunkin donats ampang..hello big apple..sorry it took long for me to realise that u were in my area code all this while..

Its hard to see something stick together..all we ever wanted is to see it last forever..but it never those..along the way it just starts crumbling off..leaving trails of its once existence in our life..but we move on..from our experience we learn to detect or acknowledge what makes a nearly perfect doughnuts..where the sugar cream still sticks to our doughnuts....and doesn't leaves us that we wake up on our day off to smell the sweetness of what we have at the present we grab our phone and dialled all dose who's really our true sugar cream and go berbuker at big apppppplllllleeeeee...hell
l yeeeaaaahhhhhh...ok maybe go there after berbuker..and all those old sugar cream who thinks their all dat, who chooses to bail on us doughnuts are only picked up by ants..your not sweet any more and u realise that..and that's sad..and we're happy that we have found our true sugar cream..and happy because writing about this is suppose to be sad but turns out to be the other way round for writing this is to show how lucky we are..

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